Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Word of the day: Grace

Grace is a word that my time as a pastor taught me, is used all the time but very few people get it.  Bono went for it in U2 song Grace.

Grace Lyrics

I have even written stories about it and include it as the central them of my preaching.  Check out my Teddy Bear Post.

Last night Karin and I celebrated eight years of marriage (our anniversary is actually in six days but we got someone to watch the kid).  There is no better picture of grace in my life then my marriage.  I got married at 22 years old, and was a wanker.  Karin put up with a really hard person to deal with (still am) in me, and yet she would never see it that way.  Also as clueless and young as we were we were given an amazing and wonderful daughter.  Grace is more than a second chance, it is getting much more than you deserve.  Grace is celebrating eight years of marriage and knowing that God willing it is just the beginning of my time with Karin and being excited about it.

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