Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Meditation on work

If God has been relied upon for all of history intentionally or
unintentionally by farmers, fisherman and everyone else for his
provision in nature, why not for me now. This was the basis of their entire economy,
society, existence, and the personal calling to work. God's promise
is to provide, and he has over time. We can look at tragedies as the
exception to prove the rule, the potato famine, starvation in Africa,

Can God orchestrates the events in my daily life for my good and His
glory? Then why do I not rely on him with the same weight as the
farmer trusts in God providing rain? Why do I feel like it is about my
actions and not His work in time?

Over the years, I have been unfaithful in my work and very faithful, regardless
God was the one who sustained it. Often the times where I am diligent
and faithful to the work I take God put of the equation. My
faithfulness to being a good employee should be a response of
obedience to God's faithfulness not a tool to manipulate His promises.

Today we remember the cross which Christ suffered. Truly the most
significant act of work in the history of the world. Do I believe
that? Will my actions today demonstrate a servants heart based on that
truth, or will I go along nervious and broken as usual?

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